The Arts
We believe that the arts are a tangible way to reflect our Creator through our own artistic abilities.
The Arts
We believe that the arts
are a tangible way to
reflect our Creator
through our own
artistic abilities.
The arts & service opportunities

We believe that the arts are a tangible way to reflect our Creator through our own artistic abilities.
Our students engage in a wide variety of experiences with music and visual arts.

We give each student leadership and serving opportunities to participate in through the school year.
- Veterans Day program
- Christmas program
- Spring concert
- Ministry team
- Scarlett Oaks outreach
- Chapel music
- National Day of Prayer
Next steps

Classroom music is an integral part of our elementary curriculum.

We are training the next generation of the church.

For those seeking band playing opportunities we offer 3 levels.

Private lessons
We offer private music lessons to interested families. Lessons are on campus and can be taken before, during or after school.

Symphonic Wind and String Ensemble
Advanced students who show aptitude and passion for their craft may be invited to participate in SWSE at God’s Bible School and College.