
Particularly of the wintery, slushy kind.


Particularly of the
wintery, slushy kind.

Snow at Aldersgate

Are we open or closed?

Closings will always be announced as “Aldersgate Christian Academy” through these sources.




  • 550AM

Text Alerts

Sign-up for Aldersgate text alerts to stay informed of school emergencies, closings and special announcements. Even if you signed up last year, you need to do so again.

Depending on your cell phone plan, rates may apply.

Two-hour delay

In the event of a 2-hour delay, classes will begin at 10am. Students arriving after 10am will be considered tardy.

Are we open or closed?

Closings will always be announced as “Aldersgate Christian Academy” through these sources.




  • 550AM

Text Alerts

Sign-up for Aldersgate text alerts to stay informed of school emergencies, closings and special announcements. Even if you signed up last year, you need to do so again.

Depending on your cell phone plan, rates may apply.

Two-hour delay

In the event of a 2-hour delay, classes will begin at 10am. Students arriving after 10am will be considered tardy.

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